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"Medical cannabis license growth still sizzling in Oklahoma"

"Low barriers to entry for both are driving the growth..."


"Sales hit $7.2 million in February, the industry’s third full month, up from $4.3 million in January and $1 million in December."

"Patients have no qualifying medical conditions to meet, just a recommendation from a physician."

SOURCE: Marijuana Business Daily. 
Maggie Cowee and Jeff Smith


"New Mexico Medical Marijuana Industry Looks Greener than Ever with Big First Quarter"

"...first quarter total sales/receipts up nearly

40 percent year over year. In the first quarter of 2017, licensed nonprofit marijuana producers in the state brought in over $19 million. That amount increased to over $26 million in the first quarter of


"...the number of active patients with

medical marijuana cards in the state of New Mexico increased by 46 percent, from 34,909 patients to 50,954."


"Arkansas' Untried Medical Cannabis Market Project to See Sales of $67 Million by 2025"

"...medical marijuana use in Arkansas is projected to grow at a compound annual rate (CAGR) of 67% over the first full six years of sales from an estimated $3.1 million in 2019

to over $67 million by 2025."

"...New Frontier Data estimates that by 2020 the legal cannabis industry could potentially create over 280,000 jobs in states which now have medical or adult use laws on the books."


"First Medical Marijuana Crop Passes State Inspection"


"The state’s first medical marijuana crop has passed each laboratory inspection conducted by the Department of Agriculture and Forestry..."

"State law requires scientists to test the raw crop’s potency and search for pesticides, residual solvents, heavy metals, and mycotoxins."

SOURCE: WFAB9 Matt Houston



"Changing marijuana laws in Canada and Mexico create pressure on Texas"

"Instead of decreased availability, the decades of costly interdiction efforts on both sides of the border have seen the consumption of marijuana increase... the drug war has resulted in a machine-like criminalization by the justice system for a product that poses no more health issues, and in many cases less, than most legal drugs used for recreational purposes including alcohol and tobacco, according to a number of studies."

"Less than 20 percent of registered voters in Texas object to legalizing marijuana and overall, 53 percent would legalize pot either in small or any amounts, according to a University of Texas/Texas Tribune poll conducted before the midterm elections."

© 2024 by Texas Cannabis Industry Association®

TCIA is a self-sustaining, independent association. TCIA is not an affiliate or chapter or subsidiary of any other group. TCIA works closely with multiple local, state, national and international organizations.

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