The Journey To Help Replace Prohibitionist
Pete Sessions

The kickoff to spreading the word regarding Texas District 32 and building up support came from TCIA’s quarterly networking event "Open Minds Night” on Sept 15th. We hosted a packed house of over 45 advocates who were looking to get involved with our efforts in District 32.

We continued moving forward by gathering a group of TCIA volunteers from our Open Minds Night Event to join an existing block walk for Brandi Chambers in Texas House District 112. This allowed us to identify our leaders and set the tone and rhythm for our event.

Our next milestone culminated with our District 32 packing party on October 21st where we had a group of volunteers help us stuff 10,000 door hangers with materials TCIA generated to spread the word regarding Pete Sessions.

Here are some phots from our actual event on Oct 27th. Groups of volunteers were engaging throughout the day so we do not have one large group photo to share.